Sunday, April 11, 2010

CSM - Word Bearers - An Introduction

Hey, I'm Stefan. I'm a relatively new painter/modeller, and am still in high school. I've begun work on a Word Bearers Chaos Space Marine force and decided to blog my efforts to get criticism, and to hopefully organize everything more. My army is definitely focussed more on theme rather than battlefield effectiveness as I'm not huge on the actual game itself, however it still does have the potential to be decent I hope in 40k.

Above is a photo of my Bloodthirster, Greater Daemon of Khorne, one of the centrepiece models for my army. Also in the works in terms of gradeur, are a Chaos Land Raider and a Traitor Guard Emperors Fist Tank Company.

The rest of my army is made up of three core squads of Acolytes or Chaos Space Marines led by Aspiring Champions. Two squads of Terminators, my Dark Apostle in Terminator Armour and a Chaos Terminator Sorcerer. The Chaos Terminator Sorcerer and the Dark Apostle are both made from Space Marine models, a metal chaplain, and a metal librarian.

My work on my bloodthirster is, in particular something I'm reasonably happy with. As a perfectionist, I'm happy the model came out looking suitable daemonic. The amount of Red Gore and Black Ink expended however was massive.

Chaos Land Raider - This is a model I haven't quite finished, as I have some neatening up to do, paint some more metal parts, highlight a bit more and add heaps of blood and armour damage.

The bulk of the colouring/priming or whatever is done however.

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